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New Acquisitions

February 7, 2013March 31, 2013

The French philosopher and art critic Denis Diderot states: “Happiest are the people who give most happiness to others.” This statement is most true and palpable in this exhibition. All the artists included in this collection have generously given more than a fair share of what they do best: their art. In turn, the University of the Philippines proudly presents their works in an exhibition of this scale, affording the artists the opportunity to genuinely share their artistic gifts and ideas with the viewing public at large.

In bequeathing to the University of the Philippines works they themselves selected to mark individual milestones in their artistic and professional careers, they have made the institution richer in terms of the vivacity of spirit the works construe, the vitality of sensibilities they confront and the vibrancy of styles they celebrate.

Art as donation, performed by the artists themselves and endowed to a university teaching museum constitutes the highest form of altruism. For indeed, the best way to find onself, to paraphrase Mahatma Gandhi, is to lose oneself “in the service of others.” The very act of donation is a reflection of the artists’ magnanimity to commit their works to depend and embolden the academic mission of the University as a cultural and heritage repository.

The University commits itself to ensure that these works are constantly viewed, reviewed, and re-reivewed in systematic exhibitions and scholarly discourses to address the changing polemics of Philippine Art History.